Friday, May 25, 2007


My opinion about Hijab

It is better to be aware of two things before discussing about any subject. Being spiteful and having prejudgment are disadvantages for both speaker and hearer.

What is Hijab? Gorji Zeidan says: “it the meaning of the Hijab is covering the body, it was common before Islam and even before advent of Christ. It was not changed by Christianity. It was lasted to the end of medieval and it was common in Europe. There is some of those effects has reminded in Europe”. There are some evidences that show the Hijab has been in many societies like Iran, Judaism and India. But there was no Hijab before Islam in Arabs. History shows that the most nations in East believed the Hijab and nonHijab is one of western’s present to the East!

If Islam says to women having Hijab because it wants women appear in the society human presence no female presence. It shows that Islam introduce the meaning of the Hjab not what they should wear. The purpose of that is the natural meeting of men and women doesn’t turn to a factor of the stimulation. There is no doubt that the women have some attractiveness that they are more interesting than men. If these beauties are shown easily with more effectiveness to other in societies. And little by little what is more important for others are just the appearance and these physically beauties. If women have Hijab, the others pay attention to inner values and to humanity of women and they don’t receive any hurts. The first victims of unconditioned freedom are love, passion and feelings. In another words, amortization of power is sometimes physically and sometimes spiritual. And the nonHijabs amortize the great part of spiritual powers of human and it is an obstacle for raising soul of human. Hijab gives personality and humanity and dignity to women.

If Hijab is agreeable with the women’s nature why do some of people disobey this nature? This question doesn’t belong to Hijab. Some people always have acted in this way to their nature. Besides of this, some social factors have had an important role in accepting or refusal to the orders of God. If positive and suitable background isn’t provided for innate matter, many of people move away from their primary innate. Nowadays, we observe that some obvious things are doubtfully with advertisement and some fields.

As, the main purpose of Hijab for men and particularly for women is having safety relations in society. It is really related to beliefs and values of people who live in the society. The most important center of education and training is the family. Hijab is also one of beliefs which are formed in the family. When all the beliefs are companied with awareness and reason can play important role in the society. If someone received the advantage of something with the wisdom, soul and heart never can leave it. In contrary, when something is done by force it is a temporary choice.

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